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Aerial Surveys

Aerial surveys utilizing photogrammetry and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) are essential techniques in modern mapping, surveying, and land management. These methods enable the collection of detailed spatial data for various applications, such as urban planning, environmental monitoring, infrastructure development, and more. The process typically involves several steps:


Photogrammetry involves capturing and analyzing photographic images to extract accurate measurements, distances, and three-dimensional information about objects or landscapes. It utilizes overlapping imagery from different angles to create detailed 3D models. 


LiDAR is a remote sensing technology that uses laser light to measure distances to the Earth's surface. It precisely captures the terrain's elevation, structure, and objects by emitting laser pulses and measuring the time it takes for the light to return to the sensor.

The two main captures methods are typically:

Manned Aircraft

Historically, aerial photogrammetry was primarily conducted using manned aircraft equipped with specialized cameras. These aircraft are flown over the survey area in planned flight paths while capturing high-resolution images. These images are processed using specialized software to generate 3D models, maps, and accurate measurements.

LiDAR systems mounted on manned aircraft scan the terrain below, emitting laser pulses that measure the distance to the ground. These systems can capture highly accurate elevation data, even through dense vegetation, and generate detailed 3D models of the terrain.

UAV/ Drones

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones have revolutionized photogrammetry due to their flexibility, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras are capable of capturing imagery with high precision. They can navigate diverse terrains, reach remote or hazardous locations, and perform detailed surveys with reduced operational costs compared to manned aircraft.

LiDAR technology is becoming increasingly accessible on UAVs. LiDAR-equipped drones are capable of capturing high-resolution elevation data with impressive accuracy. They can be particularly useful for detailed mapping in vegetated areas, construction sites, and other environments where traditional surveying methods might be challenging.

Cost and Accessibility

UAVs generally offer lower operational costs and greater accessibility for smaller-scale projects compared to manned aircraft, making them more suitable for quick and cost-effective surveys.

Coverage and Scale

Manned aircraft can cover larger areas in a single flight compared to drones, making them preferable for larger-scale surveys. Drones, however, offer flexibility for smaller, detailed surveys or inaccessible terrains.
Hinterland Surveys operate the fixed wing Trinity Pro UAV with an impressive flight time of 90 minutes. We also utilize the smaller DJI P4 RTK multi rotor UAV for smaller projects. Both photogrammetry and LiDAR have unique advantages and applications, and the choice between manned aircraft and UAVs depends on factors such as project scale, budget, accessibility, and the level of detail required for the survey.

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